About Janarogya Prasthanam

A popular movement for a life free of diseases

What is Peoples Health Movement and why is it necessary?

The dream and principle behind people's health movement is to help human beings and other living beings lead a healthy, happy life. "The things that one does or follows for his own personal well-being must be the ones that gives happiness to the others as well" These lines by Sree Narayana Guru forms the framework of action for People’s health movement.

It is through the way of Ahimsa can a person lead a life of honesty and integrity. Only such a life can give a sense of fulfilment and happiness to the person himself and the people around him.

A lifestyle that sees all other living organism through the same eyes with which it sees itself is also the one that loves nature and lives close to it. Such a lifestyle comes with the philosophy of universal equality and unconditional love. Unfortunately, there exist minds with selfish interests in this world now, whose thoughts and actions adversely affect the peaceful living of all other organisms on Earth.

Such people focus their activities and interests in utilizing natural resources in quantities that are more than necessary for their use and at the same time restricts its availability to people who might actually be in need of those. They strive to make money from everything they can. It is the business interests of the markets build by these same human beings that control people’s lives now. Such people doesn’t expect profit from a happy community. Instead, they prey on people’s adversity and sadness to fill their pockets. Governments, courts, media houses, religious institutions, marketplaces etc needs split and difficulties among people for their sustenance. By moving away from these forces and conducting judicious protests at the right time, people’s health movement believes that the need of the hour is develop the mindset of the masses for self-governance.

The Clever plan of markets to destroy public health.

Since good health is something that comes automatically from the nature of body, mind, and life there are no direct business opportunities lying there. But diseases on the other hand are perfect to generate good profits. A decline in public health increases the number of people that are being affected by diseases. In a way these insidious business interests are pushing people and other organisms into a complex trap of sustained suffering.

Plants, birds, animals and even viruses are becoming helpless scapegoats in the hands of these profit oriented business minds. By providing shortcut medicinal techniques in the name of prevention or the treatment of diseases, in reality the healthcare markets are only making the people prone to more number of diseases. What they are doing is open deceit.

Diverting the attention from the causes of a disease to just treating it.

Market forces have successfully deviated the mass mindset from analysing the reasons for the occurrence of a disease to just simply consuming medicines to treat them. These forces have pushed humanity into believing that diseases come from some unseen and unknown sources and to rely on even supernatural forces to avail protection against them. Names of disease causing bacteria and viruses are being used to cover up the harmful effects of hundreds of products like talcum powder, nail polish, soap, toothpaste, medicines, vaccines etc.

Resistance programs undertaken by people's health movement.

People's health movement currently executes the most effective resistance programs against market forces that make a fool out of the common people with their unhealthy products and medicines. By reducing the usage of all resources to a level that is only necessary and by completely avoiding the use of unhealthy products, the members of people’s health movement are committed in building a life filled with happiness and good health.

Protests against the carcinogenic components like trans-fat and potassium bromate in Modern Bread and for their removal in 2006, 100 day people's power satyagraha for the prohibition of sales of medicinal drugs in India, which are banned by world health organisation across the globe, the satyagraha against opening of a bar inside the Kochi office of Indian Medical association( a doctor's organisation), the silent satyagraha against the use of pesticides and insecticides conducted from August 6, Hiroshima day to August 9 Nagasaki day across Kerala for the last 10 years, efforts and awareness programs called "Johnson and Johnson, Cancer and Cancer” organised to bring in to light the dangerous side effects posed by products marketed by Jonson and Johnson company, etc are the few of examples of persistent efforts put up by the people's health movement to protect and preserve public health and natural living.

People's health movement also organises study camps titled "you can also be a doctor” to help people understand and act against common diseases.